The ACE Animation Special is a hands-on workshop for experienced producers who want to diversify their activities to include, and/or deepen their knowledge of, developing and producing long form/feature film animation production for an international audience (cinema, broadcast or streaming). In close collaboration with Screen Skills Ireland and Animation Dingle and support from other key Irish partners – Screen Ireland, BAI, Animation Skillnet, IDA and Animation Ireland – the 4-day workshop will be held in March 2020.
16 producers will be selected for the workshop, preferably with a long form/feature length animation project at concept stage. Focusing primarily on the creative and financial aspects of animation production, the ACE Animation Special will also offer sessions on the development process, co-producing, international distribution, audiences and business strategies. The workshop will also include one or more sessions on the different approaches needed for animated TV series as well as offering the producers a chance to work on their projects, have meetings with animation experts and network with their peers.
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