KIEV CoProduction Meetings 2016

KIEV MEDIA WEEK 2016 – Media Business 360°

KIEV MEDIA WEEK  exclusive project for media market, one and the only of a kind in the CIS region and Central and Eastern Europe. It is a range of events for top players of TV, movie, new media and other media businesses that gives an opportunity to meet colleagues and to network in formal and informal atmosphere, to tie up beneficial contracts and to learn about current trends of the international media business. KIEV MEDIA WEEK constantly monitors market needs and reacts promptly to them: last year all the events of the media forum tried to answer the question of how to live under the new economic and political conditions. This year, an ambitious objective is to be achieved by the media forum – to deploy national media business in 360°.The new concept of KIEV MEDIA WEEK 2016 – Media Business 360° – will be reflected both in the traditional KMW line-up, as well as in new special events: round tables, dedicated screening sessions, exclusive presentations, keynote speeches by world-class media experts. Special emphasis during this year’s KMW events will be put on cross-platform aspects and convergence of different media.

KIEV MEDIA WEEK represents high-level consolidation of different industrial events in order to achieve synergy and to create unified communication platform for media professionals from all around the world.

KIEV MEDIA WEEK 2016 will host the following events:

  • International audiovisual content market – Ukrainian Content Market
  • International conference and screening of new TV formats – FORMAT SHOW
  • International forum – KIEV CoProduction Meetings
  • KMW 2016 opening party
  • International B2B conference-workshop – Film Business
  • Conference PayTV in Ukraine: UP & UP
  • International B2B conference – Television as Business

The 6th edition of KIEV MEDIA WEEK will be held on September 19-23, 2016 in Hyatt Regency Kiev (Ukraine).
