Film Commission Regione Campania (FCRC) has published calls for applications for POC 2014-2020 funds for the ‘New strategies for film in Campania’ project.
For line 1: Made in Campania – Actions to attract investment in serial audiovisual productions lasting several years, there’s the Call for applications for funding for promotional goods and services, for which the CRFC is making €1.1 million available. More specifically, the funding is for: films clips of original content taken from a serial television product (the mother product) that are related to the environmental, historical and cultural heritage of Campania; b) photographic and audiovisual excerpts of the former; c) ancillary services for the organisation of events to promote the serial production involving designated members of the Campania regional authorities and the FCRC; d) exploitation rights, for non-profit purposes, both nationally and internationally, for 15 years, of the material indicated above. The call is aimed at film and television production companies and proposes an 18-month long contract, which may be extended just once by six months. Applications are open until 15 February 2018.
For line 2: Empowering Talent – Actions aimed at boosting the competitiveness of operators in the audiovisual sector on international markets, there’s the Public Notice for the selection of beneficiaries of support for participating in professional networking initiatives and markets. The aim is to support operators in Campania in developing original and innovative projects that can be sold on the international market, encourage them to experiment with new audiovisual languages, facilitate co-productions with operators in other countries, broaden and diversify sources of funding, and give greater visibility to projects on international markets. The total amount set aside for the support is €200,000 over three years. For 2018 €40,000 has been made available, divided over two calls for events taking place before 30 June 2018 (applications open from 1 February until 31 May) and 31 December 2018 (applications open from 1 July until 30 November) respectively.
For line 3: Advancing Skills – Actions aimed at increasing and updating the skills of professionals in Campania, you can find the Public Notice for the selection of beneficiaries of support for participating in continuing professional development. The call is making €20,000 available for audiovisual professionals residing in Campania who wish to attend continuing professional development courses starting by 30 June 2018 at the latest that are recognised and co-funded by the MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union’s ‘Creative Europe 2014-2020’ programme, or that are vewry professionally-oriented and held by teachers of national or international repute. Each applicant will receive €1000, €1500 or €3000 for courses held in Campania, elsewhere in Italy or outside Italy respectively. Applications are subject to evaluation and are open until 31 March 2018 unless indicated otherwise.
Information on the various calls for applications is available on the Film Commission Regione Campania portal in the Bandi e News section.